Different Types Of Plastic Surgery

When most people hear “plastic surgery,” they immediately think of beautification procedures like facelifts and tummy tucks. However, the scope of plastic surgery extends far beyond the superficial. Plastic surgery can reconstruct physical features and correct functional impairments resulting from various conditions. Here, we will explore the different types of plastic surgery, including the targeted work of a rhinoplasty surgeon Southlake Texas.

Cosmetic Surgery

This is perhaps the most well-known branch of plastic surgery. Cosmetic procedures are performed solely to enhance appearance. Common procedures include breast augmentation, liposuction, and of course, rhinoplasty also known as the “nose job”. Rhinoplasty involves reshaping the nose to improve both aesthetics and functionality. If you’re looking for an expert rhinoplasty surgeon, Southlake Texas is home to some of the best in the field.

Reconstructive Surgery

Reconstructive procedures aim to rectify the functional impairments and restore the normal appearance of body structures deformed by trauma, disease, or congenital defects. This can include things like hand surgery, cleft lip and palate repairs, or skin cancer removal. After such surgeries, the patient often finds improved function and a boost in self-esteem.

Hand Surgery

Hand surgery is a specialized field that requires additional training beyond plastic surgery. Conditions requiring hand surgery include carpal tunnel syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis. The goal is to restore the hand’s functionality and appearance as best as possible.


Microsurgery usually involves replantation (attaching amputated limbs), or free flap procedures where tissues are taken from one area of the body and moved to another. These surgeries rely heavily on microscopes and specialized precision instruments for intricate work, often with blood vessels and nerves less than one millimeter in diameter.

Burn Surgery

Burn surgeries are technically a type of reconstructive surgery, but due to the complexity and severity of burn wounds, it is often recognized as its own category. Burn surgeries can be divided into two types: acute and reconstructive. Acute burn surgery is performed immediately after a burn, while reconstructive burn surgery occurs once the burn wounds have healed.

Craniofacial Surgery

This is the treatment of congenital and acquired deformities of the skull, face, and jaws. It is usually implemented on children suffering from conditions such as cleft lip and palate or craniosynostosis. It helps to drastically improve a child’s appearance, functionality, and overall quality of life.

Aesthetics and More

While beautification is the most popular aspect of plastic surgery, this wide-ranging medical specialty also encompasses procedures that correct functional impairments and resolve health issues. It’s an important field that truly changes people’s lives for the better, whether that’s boosting their confidence with a rhinoplasty procedure from a skilled rhinoplasty surgeon Southlake Texas, or improving a child’s ability to eat and speak with craniofacial surgery. Overall, plastic surgery’s impact is much more profound than ‘skin-deep’.

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